St Kevin’s has developed a strong academic tradition where each boy is encouraged to take responsibility for his own learning in an environment that values knowledge and scholarship. We strive for the development of the whole person integrating spiritual development, academic success, cultural awareness and sporting participation in the context of the Catholic tradition.

The St Kevin’s community is based on family. This extended family of students, teachers, parents and old collegians throughout the country, forms a community that is wholeheartedly committed to the Christian education of young men, in the tradition of Edmund Rice.
St Kevin’s College is committed to the creation and maintenance of a child safe school environment. The care, safety and welfare of students are embedded in policies and procedures which ensure a commitment to zero tolerance of child abuse. All actions, and programs will maintain high ethical standards and work in accord with child safety standards and child protection reporting guidelines. Please click here to view St Kevin's College's Child Safe Statement of Commitment.
We encourage our students to pursue the truth, to discern a meaning and purpose for their existence and to enrich their spiritual lives. Respect, truth, freedom, justice, love and service are the guiding principles of all relationships and social activities. St Kevin’s students are actively encouraged to develop an awareness of and empathy with people in the wider community, in particular through community service programs.
Central to the mission of St Kevin’s College is the promotion of excellence in learning as an essential means of facilitating human growth and liberation, the recognition of family life as providing an affirming context for the nurturing of the whole person and a desire for all to achieve fullness of life.
‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.'
John 10:10