St Kevin lived in Ireland in the sixth century AD. He founded a monastery at Glendalough, which became a centre of learning. The monks of Glendalough were famous as "saints and scholars" and contributed to the civilizing of Europe.
St Kevin's in Toorak challenges its young men to become the saints and scholars of the modern era. The EREA "Touchstones" are the bedrock of our community.
We are called to respond to the changing needs of society by challenging and supporting each other to live according to the Gospel values.
We honour the family, and promote a strong sense of community. We strive for excellence in developing our gifts to the full. Omnia pro Deo.
We value learning, family and fullness of life.
A Brief History of the College
St Kevin's College is one of the many schools throughout the world established by the Christian Brothers. The first school was founded by Edmund Rice in Waterford, Ireland, in 1802. Edmund's followers arrived in Melbourne in 1868 led by Br Ambrose Treacy. Edmund was beatified in Rome in 1996.
1918: St Kevin's College was opened in Albert Street, East Melbourne, as a central matriculation college for the other existing Christian Brothers' schools in Melbourne.
1932: the College was transferred to a site at the corner of St George's Road and Orrong Road in Toorak. The present Senior School property at Heyington was purchased and it was developed as playing fields.
1935: the College commenced taking primary school students and, from that time, St Kevin's gradually became a full primary and secondary college in its own right.
1957: St Kevin's College became a member of the Associated Public Schools of Victoria (APS).
1960: the Senior School moved to the Heyington site.
1972: a new Junior School was opened in Lansell Road and the property in Orrong Road was sold.
1982: a new Middle School, the KC Smith Building, was added to the Heyington campus.
1990: the Pavilion was opened.
1997: the McCarthy Building, comprising library, visual arts and administration areas opened.
1999: Glendalough became a full primary school. A special campus for Year 9, Waterford, was opened at Balaclava.
2002: St Peter's Early Learning Centre was opened in cooperation with Loreto Mandeville Hall. The Waterford Campus moved to Richmond. The Chapel of St Kevin and the Ruby Tout Theatre came into use.
2005: the extension to the quadrangle at Heyington, known as Edmund's Courtyard, was completed.
2006: the Wilding Centre gymnasium, courts and indoor pool were opened.
2008: the modernisation of Smith Hall and refurbishment of the two top levels of the Cummins Building were complete.
2009: the College purchased land from the Parish of St Ignatius for playground and courts for Waterford.
2010: the Godfrey Building, housing an arts precinct, classrooms, library garden, administration offices and student services (careers/counselling), was opened, and the Boyd Egan Multi-purpose Hall was opened at Glendalough.
2013: the extension to Kearney, providing extra science laboratories, design technology studios and the Year 12 Albert St Study Centre came into use.
2014: the McMahon Music Centre in Lansell Road was completed and the remaining laboratories in Kearney were refurbished. Music and drama facilities were modernised in the Cummins building.
2017: the Tooronga Sports Fields was opened as our offsite sports ground.
The College has grown to over 2,000 students ranging from Early Learning Centre to Year 12.
St Kevin’s is a leading Catholic school with a national reputation, a successful member of the Associated Public Schools of Victoria, and a proud member of the Australia-wide network of Edmund Rice Schools.
St Kevin's Coat of Arms

The College Coat of Arms was adopted by Br. Kearney in 1933. The four quarters of the shield bear the Celtic Cross, recognising our Irish beginnings, the Star of Knowledge, the Southern Cross representing Australia, and the book inscribed with Alpha and Omega (the beginning and end) symbolising God.
Surmounting the shield is the crest, which comes from the Celtic Cross and represents our faith in God. Below the shield is a scroll bearing the motto Omnia pro Deo or "All for God". This is taken from a letter of St Paul. It urges us to see everyone as belonging to God and all our activity as directed towards God.
College Houses
The House system dates back to 1951, when the College community was divided into four Houses, each named after a Christian Brother associated with the early years of the College.

Cusack (Green)
Br. J.R. Cusack, c.f.c. M.A., was connected with the College for 18 years (1919-1927 and 1931-1941). Br Cusack taught Modern and Ancient History and Languages. He was also a singer and musician of note. He died in 1951.

Kearney (Blue)
Br. J.A. Kearney, c.f.c. M.A., was Headmaster of St Kevin's for 5 years (1930-1934). He was responsible for the acquisition of both the Toorak site and the Heyington property. He designed the College's coat of arms. He was English Master, and also taught Music and Singing. He died in 1964.

Kenny (Red)
Br. J.F. Kenny, c.f.c. taught at St Kevin's for what was then a record 28 years (1918-1945). He was Science Master for the entire duration of his stay at the College. Br. Kenny died in 1946.

McCarthy (Light Blue)
Br F.I. McCarthy c.f.c. M.A., B.Ed., Ph.D. was Headmaster of the College in 1977 and was previously Head of Parade College, Bundoora and Christian Brothers’ College, St Kilda. Through his vocation as a teacher he has touched the lives of thousands of scholars over several generations. Br McCarthy died in 2010.

Purton (Yellow)
Br. D. G. Purton, c.f.c. M.A., was Headmaster of the College during the difficult war years of 1941 -1943. He taught History and Languages, and although his stay at St Kevin's College lasted only 3 years, he left a lasting impression. He died in 1948.

Rahill (Maroon)
Br. P.A. Rahill c.f.c. taught at the original St Kevin’s from 1927-29 and at Toorak from 1935-49. He taught English and Literature and was known as a successful teacher of Leaving and Leaving Honours. Br. Rahill died in 1968.
In 2010, the Glendalough Houses were returned to the original House names which honour prominent early Australian Archbishops.
The Glendalough Houses are Mannix (Green); Polding (Blue); Vaughan (Gold); and Ullathorne (Red). These were the original House names adopted in the 1930s and are all early Catholic Bishops.